Making the Body Present. Breathwork As Holistic Practice
Using an autoethnographic research design as well as building on a pragmatist and actor-network theory inspired conceptual framework I want to illustrate, exemplified with the case of so-called breathwork, how different forms of bodily experiences are interactively established and evoked practically. The guiding thesis is that we experience our body not as a self-given entity in a passive way, but rather via actively participating in specific practices that can be empirically reconstructed. In the presentation three types of making our body present will be discussed: 1.) the establishment of unlikely attentions through verbal instructions; 2.) establishing presence by means of irritating bodily habitualizations; and 3.) attempts to let bodily processes quasi-autonomously ‚happen‘ in order to evoke affective experiences. At the end of the presentation I will argue for the necessity of an empirically informed action theoretical conceptualization of experience.