Contested Notion of Sisterhood As a Class Politics

Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 15:15
Location: Hörsaal 48 (Main Building)
Oral Presentation
Burcu SAKA, METU, Turkey
The main subject of my study is women’s collective action at the workplace. In general, it can be said that the study will problematize the well known question: How and in which ways objective conditions of the workplace and labour process turn into matters for collective experience of the workers? To put it differently, how an objective assemblage- an innate character of capitalist labour process- turns into associations among workers contrary to existing workplace organizations and capital’s interests. For this purpose, following the work of Rick Fantasia (1988), I will use the concept “cultures of solidarity” as a medium between objective determinations of labour process and collective action of workers.  In addition the notion “cultures of solidarity” may enable us to discuss multiple/contesting forms solidarities concomitant to formation of commonality among workers. In this respect, through in-depth interviews with women workers participated/participating in strikes at two factories-Fiskobirlik and Serapool- in Turkey, I will question the well-known notion of feminist theory and politics, sisterhood, as a moment, matter and formation of class politics among women workers. In brief, I will discuss contesting associations and cultures of solidarity among workers: corporate solidarity, class solidarity and sisterhood as a matter and an effect of collective action.