Petrazycki in Paris

Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 16:20
Location: Seminarsaal 20 (Juridicum)
Oral Presentation
Krzysztof MOTYKA, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II, Poland
The paper will present the place of Paris in the intellectual biography of Leon Petrazycki and the reception of his work in the French-language scholarly literature.  In addition to the contributions of his Russian students and followers from St. Petersburg, who formed the so-called Petrazycki school, particularly those of George Gurvitch, the paper will present the works of other Russian emigrees: Alexander Grouber, Nicolas N. Alexeev, André Mandelstam and Konstantin Stoyanovitch, as well as Raymond Saleilles, Edoard Lambert, Georges Cornil, Bichara Tabbah, Claude du Pasquier, Jean Polydore Haesaert, L. Šulcs and Jean Piaget. Also discussed will be the role of Poles publishing in French, including Georges Langrod and Georges Kalinowski, as well as contemporary French scholars such as Jean André Arnaud or Jean Carbonnier, in the dissemination of Petrazycki's ideas in French-speaking academia.