Changing gender orders, varieties of gender regimes and institutional changes
The institutional changes are shaped by the variety of gender welfare regimes and their different development paths on one hand and international institutional learning on the other. This argument will be substantiated by comparing institutional changes considering the household, care work and gendered employment, gendered political participation in – now changing – liberal, social democratic and conservative gender welfare regimes. Changes in these institutions do not take the same direction and fundamental tensions emerge between them as with neoliberal employment flexibilisation and stabilisation of the conservative household with its inequal division of labour.
But the transformation on the macro level and the institutional changes are interlinked with a deep going cultural change in the understanding of gender: Its meaning is shifting internationally from dualistic biologistic gender dualism to gender diversity embracing diverse social gender and sexual representations and practices. I will argue that theorising on macro transformation and institutional change on the meso level should be related to cultural change.