The Complex Discursivity of Global Futures in the Making
The complex discursivity of such sites and processes of discourse, communication, and knowledge production is a result of the hybrid constellations of the actors and knowledge claims involved, interconnections of heterogeneous arenas of dialogue and negotiation, diverse cultural rationalities of factuality, evidence, and legitimation, and also of translation between epistemic cultures and languages from around the world. The concept of transnational spaces of discourse refers to such new discursive formations and interconnections in which social actors and politics of knowledge beyond boarders are concerned with the construction, problematization and reworking of forms of knowledge and templates for action for specific purposes. Such current (re-)orderings of discourse largely differ from the global formations of discourse established in the last centuries. In order to address these current challenges, the contribution focuses on the reach of sociological tools for analyzing transnational and global discourses as knowledge-making activities which will profoundly shape the global future.