Institutional Ethnography in Education: Participating in the 'struggle for a Better World'

Monday, 11 July 2016: 09:00-10:30
Location: Hörsaal 6C P (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
TG06 Institutional Ethnography (host committee)

Language: English

Education researchers have a critical role to play in revealing existing educational and social inequalities and in imagining alternatives that are more socially just. Globally circulating school improvement agendas, involving the marketisation of educational delivery, school choice and other associated “commonsense” practices of performativity, reduce learning to human capital acquisition and educational leadership to management through standardisation and accountability. In many ways, this policy ensemble is at odds with principles of democratic education and leaves little room for heterogenous, context-specific curricula, pedagogy and assessment.
Institutional ethnography’s empirical attention to the use of textual technologies within local policy enactment is able to reveal the social relations that both coordinate and get accomplished in people’s ordinary work in educational institutions. By demonstrating how educators’ work gets articulated to policy agendas that are distrustful of local knowledge, experience and professionalism, IE contains the potential to support educators identify spaces of resistance and possibility that give rise to more socially just and equitable ways of acting. 
This session invites papers that demonstrate how institutional ethnography’s mapping of the social can lead to a better understanding of possibilities for advancing the “struggle for a better world” in and through education.
Session Organizers:
Debra TALBOT, University of Sydney, Australia and David PEACOCK, University of Alberta, Canada
Lois ANDRE-BECHELY, California State University, Los Angeles, USA
Spaces of Possibility for Transformative Teacher Learning
Debra TALBOT, University of Sydney, Australia
Ruling Relations in Hyperactive Times
Nerida SPINA, Queensland University of Technology, Australia