Keynote Address By Karen A. Hegtvedt: Doing Justice Beyond Social Psychology

Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 10:45-12:15
Location: Hörsaal 4C KS (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC42 Social Psychology (host committee)

Language: English

Social psychologists have examined many aspects of “justice processes,” including the development of perceptions of and responses to injustice. Within certain domains of sociology, the notions of inequality and justice are rampant. Yet, the former literature draws little on the latter and the latter little on the former. The intent of this address is to reveal how an understanding of basic social psychological justice processes can inform approaches to inequality in domains such as health, education, and the environment and how dealing with inequalities in such domains may inspire further considerations of how people perceive and respond to injustice. The ultimate goal is to create synergetic forms of knowledge by identifying conditions under which knowledge of individual level processing of justice relevant aspects of situations facilitates the unraveling of unjust inequalities. 
Karen A. Hegtvedt (PhD University of Washington 1984) is Professor of Sociology at Emory University. Her research focuses on justice, legitimacy, and emotions. It has been funded by the National Science Foundation and Spencer Foundation. In addition to an edited volume on social psychological approaches to justice, she has published in various journals and books. She edited Social Psychology Quarterly (2011-14), and has chaired the Social Psychology and Emotions sections of the American Sociological Association.

Session Organizer:
Clara SABBAGH, University of Haifa, Israel
See more of: RC42 Social Psychology
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