Social Change and New Forms of Government and Political Participation
Social Change and New Forms of Government and Political Participation
Monday, 11 July 2016: 16:00-17:30
Location: Hörsaal 6D P (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC26 Sociotechnics, Sociological Practice (host committee) Language: English
The economic crisis and the globalization are changing the conception of politics and democracy in our society. In the session we will analyse how the crisis of the representative democratic system brings out some phenomena as the election turnout, anti-politics, the rise of new populist parties, post-democratic tendencies.
But the crisis of the political representation system is also increasing the capacity of civil society to organize itself into movements and informal networks capable of creating new forms of solidarity and mutualism, forms of resistance against the progressive colonization of politics by the economy, profit and venture.
Session Organizers: