Gender, Culture and Technologies in the Knowledge Economy

Wednesday, 13 July 2016: 14:15-15:45
Location: Hörsaal 33 (Main Building)
RC32 Women in Society (host committee)

Language: English

Given the continued global growth of knowledge-based economies that transcend national boundaries and physical spaces, the papers in this session focus on the interplay of cultural factors and technologies in the identities of women professionals in knowledge-intensive industries. Specifically, these papers document how interactions between gender, culture and technologies shape women’s participation in the knowledge economy.
In spite of being half of the population of the world, having increased access to education and increased labour force participation, women continue to dominate traditional fields but are still severely underrepresented in new techno-science industries, accounting for only slightly more than a quarter of all scientific researchers. Researchers examining gender and techno-science have documented how gender inequalities and politics, built into research institutions and the broader society, have implications for scientific creativity, excellence and benefits to society. There is a loss of human capital and productivity when women are not fully integrated into the knowledge economy.
Understanding how women knowledge workers’ identities and career trajectories in high-tech knowledge-based workplaces are shaped by interactions with both socio-cultural practices and technological artefacts can shed light on how these women professionals stay in their profession, advance in their field and work to the best of their potential. The outcomes will improve education and training programs designed to improve workforce participation in knowledge hubs and provide initial insights into the improvement of inclusion of women in knowledge economies.
Session Organizers:
Cynthia JOSEPH, Monash University, Australia and Linda MUZZIN, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada
Mary OSIRIM, Bryn Mawr College, USA
The Social Construction of Excellent Scientists
Grit PETSCHICK, TU Berlin, Germany
Gender, Technology and Work Relations: Case of Women Employees in Food Processing Industries in Manipur, India
Wairokpam PREMI, central university of gujarat, India; Thounaojam SOMOKANTA, centre for studies in science, technology and innovation policy, India
See more of: RC32 Women in Society
See more of: Research Committees