The Use of Language and Silences in Coping with Everyday Nationalism, Racism and Sexism

Thursday, 14 July 2016: 14:15-15:45
Location: Hörsaal 10 (Juridicum)
RC05 Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations (host committee)
RC25 Language and Society

Language: French and English

In this joint session we will deal with people’s uses of language and silences to cope with everyday expressions of nationalism, racism and sexism. Everyday nationalism, racism and sexism may be expressed in various ways, either directly through insults and explicit comments or indirectly, either being conscious of what is at stake, or not. 
We are interested in the ways everyday coping deals with expressions of nationalism, racism and sexism. In particular, we ask how language and silences are used in the framework of conscious or unconscious coping. Is there a relation between individual coping and collective coping, i.e. (how) do people mobilize coping mechanisms which are described in social media, textbooks or documents? And what do they report about the success or failure of their activities? 
Scholars are invited to submit theory-driven and/or empirical contributions.
Session Organizers:
Stephanie CASSILDE, Centre d’Études en Habitat Durable, Belgium and Helma LUTZ, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
The Risks of Resistance. the Complexity of Dealing with Situations of Racism.
Wiebke SCHARATHOW, University of Education Freiburg, Germany
Mexicans Versus Mexicans: Coping with Everyday Ethnic Discrimination
Luz GALLEGOS, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico