Science Its Power, Responsibility and the Limits of Human Knowing

Wednesday, 13 July 2016: 10:45-12:15
Location: Hörsaal 15 (Juridicum)
RC51 Sociocybernetics (host committee)

Language: English

Sociocybernetics stresses the necessity to implement a profound scientific paradigm shift in the traditional thinking of Western science. To unsnarl the consciousness puzzle a kind of philosophical reasoning is required that stresses the fact that human feeling has to be integrated in science. A science lacking the notion of human feeling simply cannot explain the usefulness and stunning success of its own well-known experimental methodology and how it relates to knowledge production.
This insight will also in one step place all sciences, pace Ernst Mach, under the same umbrella. Thus replacing the present dominance of physics, raising anew the question of power and responsibility. The feeling of provocation will provide the clue to build the strands back to Brentano, Kant’s phenomenology and Humean habits.
Session Organizer:
Arne KJELLMAN, Stockholm University, Sweden
Chaime MARCUELLO-SERVOS, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
The Limits of Knowing and Re-Emergence of Human Feeling in Science.
Arne KJELLMAN, Stockholm University, Computer and Systems Sciences, Sweden, Sweden
Rolando García's Complex Systems Theory and Its Relevance to Sociocybernetics
Gaston BECERRA, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Jose Antonio AMOZURRUTIA, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH). UNAM, Mexico
Gotthard Guenther's Claim for a Cybernetics of Volition
Karl-Heinz SIMON, University of Kassel, Germany
The Society of the Brain: An Introduction
The Withdrawal and Comeback of Subject from Niklas Luhmann's Perspectives
Hsiao-Mei JUAN, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
See more of: RC51 Sociocybernetics
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