Livelihood Vulnerability in Cities: Interrogating the Intersections of Culture, Disaster Risk and Power

Wednesday, 13 July 2016: 09:00-10:30
Location: Hörsaal 4C G (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC46 Clinical Sociology (host committee)

Language: English

Coastal cities have a high exposure to climate-related hazards such as heavy to extreme precipitation, sea-level rise, cyclones and storms. In Asia, for example, 18 percent of the urban population live in low coastal elevation zone (LECZ) and face disaster risk.  
This session examines the role of culture in shaping risk, vulnerability, adaptation and resilience to natural hazards and climate change, and in turn, in being shaped by these forces. In particular, it will examine the cultural drivers (e.g., gender roles, beliefs/values and social capital) of livelihood vulnerability, adaptation and resilience to hazards and climate change. 
More specifically: How do cultural norms/values regarding gender roles, social capital and power among vulnerable populations shape their constructions of livelihood vulnerability, adaptation and resilience within the context of climate/disaster risk? In turn, how do women’s livelihood groups mobilize their livelihood resilience strategies to carve a slice of the local government resources for their communities and families? And how are their livelihood mobilization strategies being mobilized by gatekeepers/powerbrokers at the institutional spaces of their local governments, in the process, transforming the community’s risk reduction initiatives? 
In answering these questions, the session hopes to build an empirical basis for re-examining as well building new ways of framing the intersections of culture, risk and power among vulnerable communities in hazard-/disaster-prone areas.
Session Organizer:
Sharon EVERHARDT, Troy University, USA
Sharon EVERHARDT, Troy University, USA
Cultural Diversity As “Global Commons”: A Look into the Case of Japan
Johanna ZULUETA, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan
Indigenous Cultural Engagement As a Means of Strengthening Urban American Indian Families: Results of the Parenting in 2 Worlds Study
Stephen KULIS, Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center, Arizona State University, USA; Monica TSETHLIKAI, T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, Arizona State University, USA
Adaptation to Flooding and Resilience Building in Pasig-Marikina Basin: Intersections of Social, Political-Economic and Place-Based Vulnerabilities
Maria Prisa DACERA, Ateneo de Manila, Philippines; Ma. Denise DACERA, Convergys Philippines, Philippines
See more of: RC46 Clinical Sociology
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