Local Social Services in Times of Disasters and Crisis
Local Social Services in Times of Disasters and Crisis
Monday, 11 July 2016: 09:00-10:30
Location: Hörsaal 5A G (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC39 Sociology of Disasters (host committee) Language: English
The literature reveals the importance of local social services both in the aftermath of disasters and in relation to preparedness and enhancing the resilience of communities and individuals. Local social services refers to the services that the municipalities are responsible for, usually social assistance and various services, and often including care services.
Despite the importance of such services before, during and after disasters there has been limited research on how social services relate to the system of disaster preparedness/civil defence systems and to what extent special Disaster Social Services Response Plans are been implemented within social services.
Thus the session welcomes papers that address how local social services are organized and implemented during times of disasters, how social services enhance resilience, planning and preparedness as well as long-term recovery both among individuals and the community.
Session Organizers: