The Cultural Dimension of Innovation Processes
The Cultural Dimension of Innovation Processes
Thursday, 14 July 2016: 16:00-17:30
Location: Hörsaal 34 (Main Building)
RC07 Futures Research (host committee) Language: English
In the current debate, innovations seem to be exclusively the object of economic studies. The importance of innovation processes mainly consists of the possibility of value production for entrepreneurs, political authorities and citizens. Innovation is desirable because it can contribute to the development of a given geographical area, raise the occupational levels and improve the commercial balance. However this idea is based upon the theoretical frame of the goal-oriented action, for which social actors are supposed to act according to rationalistic criteria and always try to enlarge the gap between cost and income, with no regard to their own emotions, values and beliefs.
On the contrary, in order to understand and enhance the innovation processes, it is necessary to also take into consideration the cultural dimension. For instance, the unprecedented pace of innovation, which began with the Second Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, does not only have economic roots: it also depends on the scientific revolution, the end of traditional societies and a widespread faith in the progress that had set a favorable environment for innovation, especially in terms of acceptance of new technologies by large masses.
This framework might help to understand, for instance, the cases of failed innovation: where social representations of science and technology are negative, and the common idea of time does not consist of beliefs in historical progress and evolution, the introduction of new technologies might be problematic.
This session will accept papers, both theoretical and empirical, that highlight the relationship between culture and innovation processes.
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