Advances in Organization Theory
Advances in Organization Theory
Monday, 11 July 2016: 09:00-10:30
Location: Seminar 31 (Juridicum)
RC17 Sociology of Organization (host committee) Language: English
The history of organization theory is dotted with statements that bring the field together, or fracture it into many different parts. Think, for example, of Alvin Gouldner’s essay on rational and natural systems or DiMaggio and Powell’s edited volume on neo-institutional theory. That history is also marked by debates that entirely destabilise the status quo and demarcate new fields of thought.
For this session, we invite two kinds of papers:
- those that review a path through the history of organization theory and reconstruct it in a new way;
- those that make a contribution to organization theory by, either, extending an existing theoretical trajectory, or, introducing an entirely novel theoretical project.
Session Organizers: