Literature and Sociological Knowledge
Literature and Sociological Knowledge
Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 14:15-15:45
Location: Hörsaal 14 (Juridicum)
RC37 Sociology of Arts (host committee) Language: English
Literature has always been in the centre of the sociological studies of art. This session seeks to discuss the mutual contribution that may arise by combining both fields of knowledge. The purpose of this session will be to explore new approaches to sociological studies of literature through theoretical experiences that have been giving new dimensions to this classic theme of sociology.
Therefore it is of the interest of this session to discuss multiple possible relationships between sociology and literature: 1) taking literature as an object of sociological interest; 2) proposing the use of literature as a vehicle for the formulation of other objects in the field of sociology, including a dialogue with other specialized fields of sociology; 3) taking the sociological text itself as a literary text.
Session Organizer: