The Risk Perception of Energy Technologies: Perspective of Environmental Challenges

Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Distributed Paper
Agne BUDZYTE, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
The growing world economy requires new sources of energy, which ensure stable production of various
amenities and facilities. But the perception of risks which comes from such extraction of energy is not fully
evaluated. In the case of nuclear energy, the main axis of topic is based on the idea that it is the cheapest
source of electricity, compared to renewable energy sources. On the other hand, the disposal of nuclear
waste is hard to manage and is way more expensive than disposing of renewable energy waste. Similar
issues could be found talking about other sources of energy i.e. oil, coal, gas etc. those resources could be
produced to regular consumption, or recycled and used multiple times. Either way these resources create
issues like tons of domestic and industrial waste as well as leaves a massive carbon footprint.
Environmental impact caused by emission to air, land or sea, also tons of nuclear waste create serious
hazards to the entire globe’s population. The need of resources combines multidimensional economic,
social and political challenges. The demand creates tension between countries, organizations and
individuals. Energy export would be a solution for individuals and organizations, but in a government
standpoint, that could lead to the dependency of external sources. The investment into local energy sectors
creates increased environmental risks in regions and increases tension between countries especially when
nuclear power plants are constructed beside the country’s borders.
It is necessary to discuss the perception of risk among energy sectors in the perspective of environmental
challenges. The challenge is to define how do individuals, organizations and governments perceive these
risks. Where the uncertainty comes from, and what is the prospect of such perception. What different
approaches and various partnerships between countries would lead to improved energy technologies.