Well-Being and Successful Aging Predictors in a Costa Rican Sample of Older Adults
Method: Using a questionnaire including socio-demographic information, health, social and psychological factors and wellbeing outcomes, data was collected on a sample of 282 older adults (55 and older) in participating at programs at the National University in Costa Rica. Items referred to variables related to well-being like life satisfaction, spirituality, social support, self-efficacy, social support, self-perceive health, and others. A structural equation model with latent variables were specified and estimated using AMOS.
Results: SEM results indicated a good model fit (Chi-squared 1.426 p<.000; df 726; CFI = .901; RMSEA = .059). Main findings suggested that life satisfaction for older adults attending programs at the National University is primarily impacted by health (physical and emotional troubles, beta = -.17), social and emotional support (beta = .38), self-efficiency (beta = .14) and spirituality (beta = .22) while controlling by age.
Discussion: Results are consistent with the traditional variables included in successful aging models, with particular attention to the significant weight of spirituality and self-efficacy among older adults in Costa Rica. We will discuss the role of attending lifelong learning programs in improving the well-being of older adults.