Social Capital and Social Cohesion. Ascertaining Social Cleavages from Everyday Interaction in a Latin American Context
I will examine Chileans' personal networks to establish to what extent their social connections cut across the social boundaries of class and territory. I will argue that Chilean social structure stems from mostly homophilous social networks garnering kin and close friends. At a macro-social level this composition yields social and geographic segregation, reducing the opportunities to access distant social circles. Additionally, regarding the normative side of social capital, segregation fosters distrust among socially diverse groups and amplifies perceptions of conflict.
Data consist of a positional network generator of 13 occupations used in the first wave of Chile's Longitudinal Social Survey (ELSOC), a 2016 nation-wide survey. The survey also includes indicators of social trust and perception of conflict. Three indicators of social capital can be generated from these data: diversity, volume and quality (highest status). As a first step in the analysis, social capital indicators are regressed (multilevel) on selected demographic, territorial and ideological covariates. In a second step, personal networks indicators, considering their composition, along with individual and territorial data are used to predict individual levels of trust and perception of conflict . Finally, I run comparable analyses for kin and non-kin contacts.