Social Investment in LTC - Findings from the Sprint Project

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 11:15
Oral Presentation
Alexandra LOPES, University of Porto, Portugal
Virginija POSKUTE, ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania
SPRINT is a 3 years research project funded under the European Union Horizon 2020 Program and aims to apply a social policy analysis to a specific domain of policy design and implementation - that of long-term care (LTC)- from a social investment perspective. Social investment applied to LTC involves the identification of good value investments in LTC that create the conditions for the realization of policies that contribute to the most efficient use and allocation of resources over the life course in support of high levels of participation in the labour market, while enhancing and maintaining capacities and independent living of older people and simultaneously promoting efficiency, equity and quality of life. In this presentation we will be outlining the dimensions to consider when looking at LTC from a SI perspective in European countries. The aspiration is to disentangle the impact
mechanisms of LTC provision with a view to identifying good value investments in that field, developing innovative assessment tools that can genuinely bring a fresh approach to the consideration of the social value of LTC and help in comparing options in terms of their expected returns. The contents of the presentation are the result of research work carried out in 11 European countries involving the analysis of legal frameworks, administrative data, secondary data as well as qualitative data from interviews and focus groups with a diverse array of stakeholders.