Intimate Partner Violence in European Countries

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 16:24
Oral Presentation
Pilar RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ, University of Almeria, Spain
Cristina CUENCA PIQUERAS, University of Almeria, Spain
Maria Jose GONZALEZ-MORENO, Universidad de Almeria, Spain, University of Almeria, Spain
In this communication, we will present the results of a research on violence against women based on
data from the Violence Against Women Survey of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
(FRA, 2015). One of the most striking results from this survey is that in northern countries (such as
Sweden) women report that they suffer more intimate partner violence than in the countries of the south
(eg Spain). Our analysis will try to corroborate if in these countries the likelihood of women suffering
intimate partner violence is similar if we consider other variables such as age, social status, level of
education, suffering or not disabilities, immigration status, and sexual choice. We believe that
deepening the sociodemographic profile of women who claim to have suffered violence may allow us to
understand the extent to which the situation of women in the countries of northern and southern Europe
resembles. And, as a consequence, the extent to which the same type of social policies can be used to
combat such violence.