South-South International Circulation. the Mobility of Argentinian Social Anthropologists in Brazil.

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 09:15
Oral Presentation
Nicolas ISOLA, Fapesp/FE-Unicamp, Brazil, Fapesp/FE-Unicamp, Brazil, Brazil
The production of knowledge of a country does not occur in a vacuum. The constant movement of students towards an educational center of excellence usually promotes the circulation of ideas. An agreement signed in 1989 between the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS) of the Museu Nacional at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Buenos Aires allowed dozens of Argentinean anthropologists to enroll in the graduate program in Social Anthropology in that recognized and highly internationalized institution. Upon their return, some of these Doctors created and institutionalized new graduate programs in Social Anthropology in Argentina. Taking into account these processes, this paper proposes: (i) to make a historical characterization of the agreement that facilitated this flow; (ii) to describe, through interviews, how that circulation professionalized their later careers; (iii) and how and to what extent it stimulated the conformation of theoretical-methodological approaches and objects of study that influenced their research in Argentina.