Hyperlink Analysis As a Tool for Exploring Collective Action
Hyperlink Analysis As a Tool for Exploring Collective Action
Friday, 20 July 2018: 18:15
Oral Presentation
New forms of collective action, even before they assume the dimension (and relevance) of a movement, are very descriptors and vehicles of the global transformations our world is facing. As a prism of growing social change, contemporary forms of collective action capitalize the relevance of different relational milieu as the virtual dimension. The aim of this presentation is to critically discuss the potential of hyperlink network analysis as a feasible tool – in a multi-method research design - for the investigation of contemporary forms of collective action. Hyperlink networks can be (or not) related to other forms of collective action; nevertheless, the systematic analysis of hyperlink networks unveils interesting elements to be taken into account in collective action/social movement research. The network perspective - through hyperlink analysis - will be presented and discussed as methodological option to merge in concrete research practices. Concrete examples of embedding hyperlink analysis results in fieldwork research strategy (and tools) will be provided.