Credibility and Accessibility of Labelling Schemes: The Case of Global Coffee Supply Chains
However, global coffee supply chains face new difficulties, especially regarding credibility and accessibility. The Fairtrade Label Organization(FLO) is a typical case. Some coffee retailers and consumers believed that the FLO certification process was not transparent enough, so FLO needed to enhance its credibility by implementing ISO 65. However, the ISO standards were too high for many poor coffee farmers to maintain. In other words, added values like “eco” and “ethical” caused farmers additional costs. FLO’s strategy for enhancing credibility, as a result, diminished the farmers’ accessibility to fair trade.
In this presentation, I will consider such cases not as a problem of moral commitment but as a problem of rationality of economic system. Then, credibility and accessibility will be regarded as the new externalities, and governance will be to create a platform for promoting internalization it into the market.