Communities of Solidarity in Superdiversity: Recognizing Interdependencies in Place As a Source of Solidarity
We develop a transversal analysis of 20 case studies of the conditions under which superdiverse communities of solidarity in places such as factories, schools, sports fields, cultural projects and superdiverse neighborhoods develop. Our analysis highlights how superdiverse communities of solidarity can be constituted through ‘joint projects’ in which a diverse group of citizens recognizes their interdependencies and takes joint responsibility for the places they share.
Our analysis contributes to existing scholarship on communities of solidarity in a superdiverse context in at least three ways. First, we show how the recognition of interdependencies in place is a powerful, but much ignored driver for the constitution of communities of solidarity in superdiversity. Secondly, we observe how interdependencies are rarely sufficient as a source of solidarity for communities, but are articulated in many different ways with one or more of the other three aforementioned sources of solidarity. Thirdly, we argue that the value of a contribution to a community of solidarity (in case of interdependence), should not be pre-defined, but negotiated with everyone present, if solidarity is to be nurtured in superdiverse places.