Migration in the Era of Globalization: The Potential of Language Integration

Monday, 16 July 2018: 18:15
Oral Presentation
Musa YUSUPOV, Chechen State University, Law Faculty, Russian Federation
In the modern world, the process of exchange of information, cultural achievements, and economic benefits is intensively proceeding. Globalization stimulates the migration movement, increases the multiculturalism of many countries. The study of the social and cultural aspects of migration and its possible consequences becomes actual.

Research subject: language integration of migrants.

Method: socio-cultural approach, quantitative analysis of Eurostat and World Bank data, materials of sociological surveys.

Migration, population displacement occurs in all periods of history, it has a positive impact on economic, scientific, cultural progress. Migration in a globalized world is large-scale, differs by its structure, economic motivation, the presence of many refugees from zones of armed conflict and natural disasters. Another peculiarity is that even migrants who have arrived for permanent residence in the host country regularly maintain communication contacts with relatives from the country of retirement via Internet resources, mobile communication, social network. Finally, a significant number of migrants know at a conversational level the global language - English. It can be assumed that unlike past migrations, now migrants can retain their linguistic and ethnic identity along with a new language and a new identity in the third, fourth generation. They will be multilingual and have multiple identities. Taking into account new realities, it is necessary to carry out migration and language policies, develop programs of language and cultural integration. Today there is a successful experience in Switzerland, Germany, the USA and Canada, began to implement initiative projects in Eastern Europe and Russia. This minimizes the manifestations of stress, shock, aggression, and removes barriers to the social integration of migrants.

Conclusion. Migration processes require the coordination of efforts of international organizations, national states, cultural -linguistic and public associations in forming the course for a successful policy of harmonizing interests and values of migrants and local communities.