Management between Semi-Profession and Superprofession

Monday, 16 July 2018: 11:00
Oral Presentation
Alexandra MOSKOVSKAYA, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Institute of professions today is undergoing a dramatic transformation, losing former social status, confidence of clients and protection by the state. Professions become increasingly subject to fluctuations in the labor market and in product markets than a subject of professional self-regulation. The instability of the professions is compounded by a high rate of changeability in skills demand and partly devalues the previously accumulated knowledge, and sometimes whole profession. The frequence of mismatch between the available skills and skills demand puts professional education in the ambiguous position. All these challenges to fully relate to the formation of the managerial profession, but the former adds some specifics. Being a cross-cutting profession management present in different types of activities, so it should reflect also the global changes in the object and the conditions of governing. Some shifts may strengthen management as a profession, and others on the contrary, to weaken or to radically transform. Given such a perspective the paper aims to study the trends that can shape the future of management in the coming decades and the likely scenarios of its development against other professions. It explores significant global trends in work, knowledge accumulation, new role of ICTs and managerial functions all of which are seen as drivers of the potential future of professional management that may contribute to its transformation from semi-profession to super-profession, super-authority or enterprising management.