Looking for an emotional trigger in Brazil's 2013 Network of Outrage

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 11:00
Oral Presentation
In June 2013, mass protests ecloded throughout Brazil, and
soon protests that first attacked bus fares transformed into a
multitude of demands and criticisms directed at the Brazilian State.
According to Castells, Brazilian protesters were similar to the
Indignados in Spain and the Occupiers in the United States in some
core values, such as questioning traditional institutions. What this
paper seeks to uncover is the reason that made so many people start
questioning state***s legitimacy in such a short period of time. If we
agree with Castells that social movements are triggered by emotions
shared collectively, there must have been an emotional event during
the first days of protests that appealed to bystanders, transforming
them into protesters in the days to come.

The hypothesis of this paper is brutal violence used by the
police against pacific protesters played a major role in the
delegitimization of the state. This paper argues that such abuses
served as this emotional trigger, helping evidence the hypocrisy of
the Brazilian State, in which even though citizens legally have the
right to demonstrate, they are still repressed by state violence.
Since the internet***s importance in creating Outrage Networks has
been highlighted by recent social movements literature, this study
will analyze the online aspect of the debate. Thus, millions of tweets
referencing the protests were collected throughout the month of June
2013. In order to select the most important tweets in recruiting, we
will look at the most retweeted post at times in which a high number
of new members entered the online debate. We will then categorize
messages by themes in order to understand which subjects were most
important during effective recruiting periods. Thus, we will be able
to access which framings were successful in gathering new protesters,
and which emotions can be found on them.