Mental Suffering and Suicidal Behavior in Young People in Mexico City Mental Suffering and Suicidal Behavior in Young People in Mexico City

Saturday, 21 July 2018: 09:15
Oral Presentation
Angela MARTÍNEZ, Red Mundial de Suicidiologos México, Mexico
Raul BRINDIS, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico
n order to open up new fronts of analysis, the main concern has been raised and the urgent need to build a body of knowledge that have the size den that teenage girls living in Mexico City, which has been practiced them voluntary termination of an unwanted pregnancy, compared to the mental suffering and the spectrum of behavior. In this paper an approach to understanding the phenomenon of suicide and voluntary abortion is attempted, build a look by including notions of motherhood, meaning of abortion and pregnancy and gender bias. Problematize the subjective dimensions and the social context in which this emerging and that lead to suicide. As part of an investigation still ongoing, successive lines are emerging as a theoretical reflection that addresses a criticism of the hegemonic model of emotional pathologies of the female gender, which remains centrally biological and predominantly male.