The Social Construction of ‘Vagrants’ in Brazilian Prisons of Ilha Grande

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 16:20
Oral Presentation
Myrian SANTOS, UERJ, Brazil
Much has been written about violence in prisons in Brazil. There is a consensus among those who study the Brazilian penitentiary system on the distance between laws, norms and rules and ongoing practices. This research is based on interviews with former prison guards who worked in prisons in Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro. The starting point of this work is the distinction made by a former prison guard between the ‘vagrants’ and the ‘brave’ prisoners. It will be also examined the presence of the term ‘vagrant’ in laws criminal anthropology, and in the memories left by political prisoners. From the data collected, it will be highlighted the presence of a punitive culture focused on social groups that are mostly black and live in poor conditions.