Transgressive Sexual Policies: Institutional Designs for Attention to Sexual Diversity in Mexico

Monday, 16 July 2018: 11:15
Oral Presentation
Vanessa CERVANTES, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico
It is an exploration of the first subnational governmental experiences on sexual diversity in Mexico. We call "sexual policies transgressive" to the new discourses and governmental actions against heteronormative and reproductive sexual binarity that prevails in the state discourses of the gender perspective but also they are constituted like new devices of control and discipline that produce practices and determine which are the Ways of living that are possible and desirable, even within the community of sexual diversity itself. The cases analyzed will be the public policy directions of the sexual diversity of Santiago Niltepec, Tehuatepec and Unión Hidalgo de Oaxaca. These municipalities are of mostly indigenous population and are characterized by the recognition of the "muxe" identity (transgendered women). It will analyze the network of social and political actors that promote the governmental agenda that allows the creation of specialized organizations within the subnational governments; the institutional design of the areas; actions planned and implemented; main achievements and challenges. The theoretical lines guiding the research are: 1) that the gender perspective of current policies reproduces the discourse of the binarity of the sexes, heternormativity and reproduction. 2) that LGBT-TTI dissident global identities influence national and subnational contexts but enter into an adjustment / adaptation dynamic according to economic, political, regional and ethnic contexts. 3) Criticism of essentialist identities woman / man, heterosexual / homosexual and other groups whose practices and discourses produce new abject, bodies that do not fall into these sexual categories. Transgressive sexual policies could be seen as state control and discipline devices, masquerading as negotiation and steady strategic government actions.