Hyper-Governed Young People’s Resistance to the Crushing Ubiquity of Neoliberal Violence.
These young people, 15 – 25 years of age, were identified in this project as hyper-governed because they are subject to increased regulation and surveillance from the state. This governing is in addition to the already highly regulated period of youth. The hyper-governing of these young people is the result of their association with political action, child protection or juvenile justice systems. However, they do not passively accept the violence imposed on them. Rather, they experiment with resistance techniques that challenge the hegemony of neoliberal violence. This paper focusses on three such techniques: Democratised Surveillance, Voluntary Occupation, and Self Governmentalisation. My analysis of these stories draws on Bourdieu’s (2001) concept “symbolic violence”, Galtung’s (1969, 1990) “structural” and “cultural violence”, as well as Giroux’s (2014) “neoliberal violence”. I will demonstrate that hyper-governed young people actively resist conformity to sanctioned forms of neoliberal violence through discursive resistance.