Decolonial Solidarity in Palestine-Israel: The Case of Anarchists Against the Wall

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 15:30
Oral Presentation
Teodora TODOROVA, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
The past decade has seen a resurgence of critical scholarship which has utilised settler colonialism as the most appropriate theoretical framework to describe the geopolitical structures of Palestine-Israel. Building on this line of thought this paper examines the discourses and embodied decolonial activism of Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW), a collective of Israelis active in the Palestinian-led struggle against the Separation Wall in the West Bank. The paper examines the challenges facing AATW in their endeavour to translate decolonial solidarity into the socio-political decolonisation of Palestine-Israel. AATW’s praxis demonstrates a remarkable level of reflexivity on key issues pertaining to privilege, solidarity, and decoloniality; something that is often absent from other critical Israeli accounts. The paper concludes that the decolonial praxis of AATW testifies to the possibility to articulate new alliances between the Palestinian struggle for decolonisation and decolonial Israeli activists; expanding the field of decolonial struggle in Palestine-Israel.