Financialization Process of Housing on the Periphery of Capitalism: The Case of Brazil after the Global Crisis of 2008 and the Protagonism of the "My House My Life"

Monday, 16 July 2018: 16:50
Oral Presentation
Eduardo MEIRELES, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
The Brazilian government has spent the last 30 years without directing a massive investment in housing, sanitation and transportation, which, in turn, has created serious problems in Brazilian cities. However, after 2005 Brazil resumed investment in areas such as Housing, thus transforming cities as an excellent space for generating profits, interest and real estate income, thus arousing the interests of large contractors in both real estate production and heavy construction. In addition, the expressive globalization of housing and real estate markets and economic adjustment policies, cities have become too costly for the low-income segments of the population - and, increasingly, also for the middle-income population. In Brazil, the market started to regulate prices, establishing parameters for prices, location and availability of housing and land. This contributed to the strengthening of the perception of housing as a mere commodity and financial asset, thus counteracting the right to adequate housing. In this sense, this work seeks to construct through a qualitative and case study method for an analysis of the financerization of housing in the Especially in post-crisis Brazil in 2008 and to seek as results elements that may reaffirm the hypothesis that the "Minha Casa Minha Vida" Program is part of a financialisation process and has systematically and significantly contributed to generating profits and Interest and income to various capitals, especially from other sectors that are not part of the construction industry, thus strengthening the idea that home ownership with globalization becomes a global financial asset, thus dehydrating the idea of housing as a right Social and human rights to ensure access to various other fundamental rights and reproductive rights. Of human beings.