Vulnerability, Processes of Subjectivation and Youth Activism. the “Juventud Sin Futuro (Youth Without Future)”´s Case in Spain.
Given also the fact that JSF political activities came into an end recently we find ourselves in a great timing to assess their achievements and verify if new youth-driven activism is able to create and promote effectively spaces and subjectivities in the fight against social and economic precariousness.
This study is part of a larger research project funding by the Spanish Goverment (Proyecto I+D el Plan Nacional “Nuevas Formas de Vulnerabilidad Socio-Existencial, Soportes y Cuidados en España 2017-2021”) on existential vulnerability and is based on previous author´s work and the empirical work carried out by the project team throughout 2017.
Research methodology includes treatment of socio-demographic data, netnography and internet-based analysis as well as discourse analysis of interviews, press releases and statements.