Supervision for Teachers As a Measure of Health Promotion – an Evaluation Study Using a Mixed Methods Approach

Friday, 20 July 2018: 15:50
Oral Presentation
Christina MOGG, University of Vienna, Austria
In this evaluation study the impact of a one-term individual supervision of primary school teachers in Vienna was evaluated using a mixed methods approach of quantitative and qualitative research methods. In a quasi-experimental design the experimental group (n=25) was exposed to supervision and the control group (n=35) was not. A longitudinal questionnaire survey was conducted, one before and one after the supervision for depicting differences between the condition of the supervised teachers and the control group. The questionnaire contains measurement tools for assessing physical and psychological health condition, quality of life, workload and workability, burnout risk, self-efficacy and emotional distancing from work. After the intervention a focus group discussion with five supervisors was conducted in order to assess the benefit of supervision for teachers from the experts’ perspective, to summarize their recommendations for the implementation of supervision and to find the main focus and ideal organizational structure. The results of the statistical data analysis show that work load and workability, physical and psychological health condition, health satisfaction, self-efficacy, emotional distancing from work and emotional exhaustion in the supervised group have developed more positively compared to the control group. Most effects have a relevant magnitude, but are not statistically significant (p<0,05), due to the small sample size. In the focus group discussion the supervisors reported that teachers benefit from individual supervision. Provided that all content discussed during supervision is treated with absolute anonymity and confidentiality, the supervisors could not find any disadvantages that might result from supervision. The empirical results suggest that individual supervision should be implemented broadly as a measure of health promotion for teachers.