Hegemony – Stabilizing Supremacy
After starting our talk with a brief introduction and problematization of the concept of “hegemony” from a sociological point of view (1.) we will focus on the question of (2.) how hegemony is stabilized in every day practices and (3.) in which contexts hegemonic practices and discourses are questioned and/or reconfigured by bringing in data from group discussions that we conducted in our ongoing DFG-funded project “Reconfigurations of Masculinities”. We will show that the construction of hegemonic masculinity (still) is a dominant pattern for men’s every day life experiences and practices, particularly in connection with the “paradigm of work” (“Erwerbsarbeitsparadigma”). Our material also enlightens the fact that “standard work” (“Normalarbeit”) is getting brittle and that the fissures that arise from this confront our interview partners with the challenge to gain new knowledge and to create new action strategies. Within also lies the potential for change and for questioning and contesting established power structures.