The Becoming of Complex Socio-Environmental Reality: Violence As Side-Effects of Dehumanization

Monday, 16 July 2018
Distributed Paper
Sergey KRAVCHENKO, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), Russian Federation
The becoming of complex socio-environmental reality brings unintended consequences producing new violence as side-effects of ‘civilizing process’ that is accompanied by a cynic reflexivity: man’s freedom increases greatly, and so does the variety of the behavior patterns, but it is not always good for humans and nature. Formal pragmatism of neoliberal biopolitics facilitates the permanent production of latent aggressiveness enforcing violence into our lives. Modern actors possess tremendous knowledge which is a great factor of social and environmental change, but without a humanistic orientation in man’s reflexivity innovations oppose civil society, exploit and destroy nature. I argue for a humane creative activity and a humanistic turn in sociology and other social sciences – the goal is to search for new forms of humanism, humane knowledge including the humanistic orientation of any research that is an ethical imperative of the global community.