Losing Violence in Translation: Theorising Gender Violence Regimes.
The paper utilises existing survey data to examine how changing welfare state regime typologies, developed by Esping-Andersen and taken further by feminist research, translate or not, into a gender violence typology: when violence is introduced, are previous results still valid? We draw on collective work within major research programmes (EUFP6 “Coordination Action on Human Rights Violations” CAHRV 2004-2007; EUFP6 “Quality in Gender+ Equality Policy in Europe” QUING 2006-2011; Swedish Research Council “Feminist Theorizings of Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies” 2012-2017), and interpret their findings to theoretically address and develop typologies of welfare state regime and gender violence regime.
The paper takes up challenges in taking violence, especially violence against women, seriously by addressing changes in: 1) welfare state structuring; 2) the place of violence in contemporary state regulation, gender relations, and their intersection; and 3) configurations of violence and responses thereto, including criminal justice system responses to violence against women. In sum, the paper critically considers the contribution of the concept of gender violence regime.