Bargaining for Evidence in a Hybrid Forum? the Case of an Expert Group Chaired By
the European Commission.
As a response to that demand, the mode of knowledge production is changing. Instead of linear-ordered knowledge-production, hybrid forums of heterogeneous actors are becoming important. These actors are debating and bargaining solutions to a problem and are co-constructing contextualized knowledge as decision-making-base for the specific context of application. This discursive process of knowledge production is not only affected by different forms of knowledge from heterogeneous actors, it is also influenced by heterogeneous world of relevancies of the actors (interests, targets, practices, experiences…).
This study assesses and analyses with a multiple triangulation how an Expert Group of the European Commission develops knowledge within a transdisciplinary- and transnational expert-discourse.
Based on multiple data sources my study is offering information on how evidence is produced in decision-making within such hybrid forums, e.g. important factors, processes and structures influencing political knowledge-systems.