Sociology in Canada and Quebec: Between Universalism and Particularism
Sociology in Canada and Quebec: Between Universalism and Particularism
Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 14:15
Oral Presentation
Émile Durkheim, one of the founders of sociology, died in 1917. How is sociology, one hundred years later? As a science, sociology has the ambition to become a universalist discourse. However, more than other disciplines, it is rooted in specific socio-cultural environments. Canada was founded as a federation in 1867. 150 years later, it has a Charter of Human Rights but is more than ever divided into different ethno-cultural groups and societies with their own collective or national identities. New research agendas stress de-colonization and reconciliation. My paper analyzes the situation of Québec sociology: Is this sociology, which seems to be more autonomous, less “particularist” than before?