Sociocybernetics and System Dynamics
Sociocybernetics and System Dynamics
Thursday, 19 July 2018: 18:45
Oral Presentation
This paper presents the continuation of what was presented at the 14th International Conference on Sociocybernetics held in Medellin, 2017, on reflection about the possibilities, alternatives, barriers and potentials of Sociocybernetics and System Dynamics combination. It continues with the revision, as a critical theoretical comparison between the fundamental elements of observables and observers from System Dynamics and Sociocybernetics as well as the origins and the fundamental elements that make up each of these knowledges. There is also a recount and an analysis of the works developed by the students of the course System Dynamics 1, in charge of the author since 2014. Finally, a presentation and an analysis of the positions of authors representative of each of the two knowledges and their criticisms regarding the relation explored is made. With these analyzes the exploration of the answers to these questions continues: How is it possible to observe systemically the reality? What are the minimum elements necessary to capture systemically the reality? What can be observed systemically, what is managed to observe and what is intervened? What new meanings are found of reality through simulation? The paper ends discussing and concluding around an epistemology that allows to study the combination Sociocybernetics and System Dynamics tending interdisciplinary bridges between them.