A Critical View to the Idea of Rising of Conservatism in the University Graduates in Turkey

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 10:30
Oral Presentation
Meral OZTOPRAK, Yeditepe University, Turkey
A Critical View to the Idea of Rising of Conservatism in the University Graduates in Turkey

Even though it's getting weaker, there is still a common idea in Turkish politics that well-educated people support the left-wing political parties and contrary, under-educated people support the right-wing/conservative parties. In Turkey Values Atlas (by Prof. Yılmaz Esmer, 2012) the comparison of 1990 and 2011 data also indicates that conservatism has risen dramatically in university graduates.

It may partially -or at the end - true but, the situation is more complicated than this .It is necessary to know the political background in the meaning of populist and ideological policies. Hence, we can go to some paradoxes of liberal democracy.

So, main research questions here:

  1. How are higher education and politics intertwined between 1990 and today?
  2. What are the social and political effects.