An Empirical Study on the Job Satisfaction of Chinese College Graduates

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 16:15
Oral Presentation
Baozhong LIU, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), China
Since Chinese college expanded enrollment in 1999, the number of college graduates has increased year by year. With more and more serious employment situation, the employment rate of college graduates has become the social focus. However, the quantity problem of the graduate employment is the surface of employment issue, the problem of quality is under the surface.

Based on the survey data of Panel Study of Chinese University Students (PSCUS) 2015, which is a research project on Chinese university students conducted by institute of sociology of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, this paper described the overall job satisfaction of Chinese college graduates, and examined the major factors influencing the job satisfaction of Chinese college graduates.

The result found that the overall job satisfaction of Chinese college graduates is relatively high. Exernal job stasfaction is higher than internal job stasfaction. Both exernal and internal job stasfactions have a significant effect on job satisfaction. Although some non-job factors have no significant direct impact on overall job satisfaction, they can indirectly influence overall job satisfaction by influencing external and internal job stasfaction factor.