Fractals of Hegemony: Replication of Hegemonic Structures and Response Efforts in Cities across the Globe

Monday, 16 July 2018: 18:00
Oral Presentation
Hailey SONN, Florida International University, USA
Complex systems of hegemony impacting post-industrial urban change are found in cities across the globe. Researchers note the common problematic outcomes, such as dispossession of homes, renegotiated economy, privatization, socio-spatial polarization, and uneven development, among others. Anti-gentrification struggles along with labor strikes, women's movements, religious resurgence, and ethnic division arise as humans respond to the oppressive or directive forces in their local communities. These actions are, in turn, responded to by governing structures in a cyclical pattern that spans generations. Through comparative case study infused with analysis of existing quantitative data, this article explores the potential for unifying solidarity transforming into a global urban justice movement by illuminating the commonalities of localized struggles. This research demonstrates that, despite the intricate intermingling of varied, coordinating factors involved in local hegemonic application, there are significant similarities such that it may be shown that by considering fractal relationships among several cities, we may create an alternative theoretical framework for viewing the problems of the current global age.