Visualitics and Evaluation

Monday, 16 July 2018
Distributed Paper
Manjeet CHATURVEDI, Banaras Hindu University, India
Masoumeh SADEGHIAHANGAR, Banaras Hindu University, India
In looking glass self, glass is not an objective phenomenon; it is one's own visualization. Signs are not the limits of perception. Visual sociology qualifies for ‘visualitics’ if we explore the process as visualizer and visual to elaborate the discussion launched by Saussure. Not much of philosophy, however, is available on visual thus making clear turn to empirical perspective of visual data. The paper explores the reciprocity of networking from eye to thing and from thing to eye. Is it not an image that we carry, it is interactivity that burdens a viewer with self image. Self is conscious self but if self is totality of consciousness, it sure needs sensory capability. Where entre power in this? Power is that tool which is created over the instruments to be used for visual data collection. Technology provided us extension of senses and accuracy of visuals often independent of projected self in the image and thereupon expression. Instruments in this context are evaluator too. The paper is inconclusive in the sense that even methods and instruments of data collection in the domain of visualitics are misused (e.g. Photoshop ) hence evaluation technology of visual referents shall also cross check the reciprocity between visualizer and visualized.