Singles in the City:
A Comparison of Vienna Five Years before and after the Crisis Year 2008
In a first step we want to disentangle and clarify commonly used definitions of singles (e.g. referring to individuals living alone vs. individuals not having a partner nor children). We contrast different types of singles and describe them alongside important characteristics such as gender, education and age. Besides describing size and composition of these types, we want to highlight differences and dynamics within the last 20 years. In a second step we are interested in the impact of the economic crisis on quality of life. We examine trends in the satisfaction with living conditions, use of the city’s cultural and leisure facilities, subjective assessments of several dimensions of life satisfactions as well as changes in income and poverty risk. First results indicate, that in single households, women face higher risks of living below the poverty line or in manifest poverty (e.g. 29% of women over 60 years who are living alone vs. 13% of men in the same group).