Models of Social Inclusion and Social Exclusion of the First and Second Generations of Transnational Migrants in Russia, France, and the USA: Comparative Sociological Analysis

Friday, 20 July 2018: 08:30
Oral Presentation
Pavel LISITSYN, Saint-Petersburg State University of E conomics, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation
Alexander STEPANOV, TANDEM, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Our proposed presentation at the XIX Congress of ISA is developed in a context of issues relating to the processes of socio-economic and political transformation in our time that can be called as the ‘Age of Transnational Migration’. It will be focused on a comparative analysis of the activities and practices that organize everyday life of transnational labor migrants in Paris, New York, and St. Petersburg, Russia.

The goal of the paper is a comparative sociological analysis of social foundations for radicalization and the involvement mechanisms of transnational migrants into the practices of terrorism.

The point of departure for analysis is Charles Tilly's distinction of the certain types of terror and diversity of forces of terrorism as the strategy.

The basic hypothesis of the paper can be formulated as follows: the models and practices of social inclusion and social exclusion of transnational migrants serve as the major factors for developing ideological extremism and precondition terrorist activities.

The research is organized along with the structural chain: the state - the employer - the employee. The cases for analysis were chosen according to the different types of social welfare for newcomers to the country and the availability of welfare to the first and second generations of immigrants.

The paper will be based on the specific data and examples that come from the on-going longitudinal research, 2017-2020.