Involvement Spaces and Religious Sociabilities of Muslim Women in Argentina

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 18:00
Oral Presentation
Mari Sol GARCÍA SOMOZA, Université Paris Descartes / Universidad de Buenos Aires, France
Current academic output addressing the gender and religious issues surrounding Argentina’s Muslim community is still very thin on the ground. In what is, therefore, relatively virgin territory, this paper deepens and develops the discourses, practices, memberships, identity constructions and modes of socialization among Muslim women in contemporary Argentinian society.

This investigation demonstrates that the current forms of religious sociability of Muslim women in Argentina are developing within the dynamics of a framework of ‘syntony/“asyntony”-transformation’ in response to the discursive output generated within and without the membership group. A process of identity building is activated, driven by the dynamics of the discursive and counter-discursive development of the narratives emerging among the actors (state–institutions–individuals). This production of gender identities and identities is not isolated; rather, it enters into dialogue with memories and other discursive fabrics at the community-institutional, national and transnational levels.

Finally, this paper involves intersectionality and permanent dialogue across anthropology, sociology and gender studies when addressing the complexity of identity recompositions pervaded by gender issues.