Constructive Social Systems Theory
- As Sciences of the Techno-Social Artificial -
We are living not on stable traditional life world but on fluid & continuously constructed & reconstructed world. Where we are confronted by continuous reality shift.
The process of modernization is characterized not only by a disembedded & personalizing process from traditional reality. There exists a new embedded process in a new constructed reality.
How we can analyze the embedded and disembedded process?
Natural sciences and some social sciences focus on the universal law. But it is impossible to find the universal social law for a society because a reality of a society is a constructed reality. Some social sciences focus on construction of a reality for a limited context. They do not focus on the techno-social system where both functional and semantic aspects are required. On the contrary, there exists a commensurability gap between functional and semantic aspects.
We have to bridge the commensurability gap between functional and semantic aspects and have to construct a new methodology and modeling method to manage the reality shift process as “Constructive Social Systems Theory”.